This is a Jaguar rigged strong khaki smart travel backpack that is convertible. Convertible in the sense that you can zip round the back carriage , so that it will become invisible. Then you carry it as a hand luggae or shoulder luggage. It’s very strong and can carry your sharp sharp kits for travel like gadgets, shoes, ckithese, documents etc. It’s very beautiful and classy,. So be assured of passer-by admiration. Suitable for force men, travel, air flight , sea travel, road travel, adventures, camp, mountaineering, engineer , schooling etc. Diverse usuage. Mena ND women can easily use it
Convertible from backpack to luggage feature.
Strong and tough
Made of tough canvas material
For me and women
For force men, air , land, sea travel, campers, travellers, schooling, engineers etc
Beautiful, classy and trendy