God’s ultimate plan for you and me is total health and soundness 3 John 1:2 (above all things, God’s will is for us to be health). The old times saints lived their lives without sickness Psalms 105:37 Deuteronomy 8:4 — no trace of sickness, affliction, disease and oppression. It was so scarce to find a sick person James 5:14 — sickness was scarce around the saints.
Anytime our health is challenged by sickness, God has made provision for our healing Exodus 15:26 Acts 10:38 — when it comes to the subject of healing, you must understand that the principal agent behind sickness is Satan.
Whatever the devil came to do, Jesus came to undo 1 John 3:8 (every works of the devil in my life is destroyed)
Steps to take to receive your healing and deliverance
- You must see your healing and deliverance. In this kingdom , it’s what you see that your hand can handle Genesis 13:14. What you can take is determined by what you can see Jeremiah 1:11-12. You must see that Jesus Christ has took your sickness Matthew 8:17. There is a difference between the word that you hear or read and the word that you see. It’s important to understand that what you see determines what you take. This is why the Bible is described as a spiritual mirror. God’s word is to show us to ourselves James 1:22-25. You must begin to see yourself healed and delivered because Jesus already took it all Isaiah 2:1 — the word must be Seen, not just heard or read. It’s not just hearing with the ears or seeing with the physical eyes but seeing with your spiritual eye. See a superior picture. It’s what you see that determine what you seize. Can you see your healing and deliverance? You must come to a point when you see a superior picture that is above your situations and circumstances. We can only see with spiritual sight Ephesians 1:17-18 — it’s a sight of revelation we are talking about (Seeing is revelation)
- You must react against your situation. To take your healing and deliverance in Christ, you must engage the fight of faith 1 Timothy 6:12 Matthew 11:12 — until you react, you can not be released. You must come to a point that you can’t accommodate your situation. Whatever you don’t confront, you can’t conquer. Whatever you don’t fight has the right to remain. Satan Epehsians 4:27. You must come to the poo t of reaction. If He took it, I can not have it. When you react, the devil let lossed. Don’t pamper that issue, confront it with your faith. You have no right to remain in my body.
- You must declare your healing and liberty Psalms 81:10. You must understand what you declare from the word, the devil can not resist Luke 21:15. This is because everything can hear. Every part of your body can hear – Ezekiel 37:2-5/6 (you can command your kidney to be healed — kidney, I command you in the name of Jesus, be healed in Jesus name). You can speak to your blood and tell it what to do. What we say is an expression of what we believe 2 Corinthians 4:13 – what you really believed in your heart, you will declare with your mouth. You must come to the point of speaking what you believe. Say what you want to see. If you want to see it, then you must say it
Mark 11:23 – there is power in what you say. Stop watching your situation, change it by what you see. - Start acting your liberty — until your faith is met with action, your faith remains barren James 2:18/26. Action is what happen when our reaction goes from inside to outside. When you hear the word, it must ultimately result in your action.
Revelation + Reaction + Declaration + Action = Manifestation of miracles.
God will not be more powerful tomorrow than today. This hour is sufficient to receive your miracle. Your story has changed already.