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Shoplife Africa Magazine Exclusive Interview with Johnson Rays

On the “New Hotcomers” series of the Shoplife Africa Magazine in conjunction with Smen Music Group, we get up close and personal with Johnson Rays, an African centric reggae sensation.

In this exclusive interview, Johnson Rays dig deep to bring to you his musical journey and personal stories that will inspire you. Enjoy

Personal Background and Journey

Shoplife Africa Magazine: Can you tell us about your journey into art? How did it all begin for you?

Johnson Rays : My journey into acting commenced several years ago when I was a devoted member of the church, initially joining the choir. It was during this time that I developed an affinity for rap music akin to that of Kirk Franklin, experimenting with my own rap skills. I was subsequently invited to compose a rap for a choir performance, marking my first experience in front of an audience, a departure from my usual position at the back of the choir. Seizing the opportunity, I delivered a performance that was met with enthusiasm.

As time progressed, I discovered my ability to sing and write songs beyond rap, which had always been my primary passion. A few years later, I collaborated with a friend to produce my first single in the Afro-beat genre.

My exploration of reggae music began during a trip to Kaduna, where I met a friend named Austin, who specializes in gospel reggae. While taking a walk, I encountered a large gospel music concert and was captivated by his commanding stage presence. After the event, I eagerly approached him, and we quickly became friends, often rehearsing together. Here we are today.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: Was there a specific moment when you realized music would be your career path?

Johnson Rays: A pivotal moment in my life occurred when I recognized my potential career path. While I was acclimating to my new surroundings and forming new friendships, I received the heartbreaking news that my father had passed away, necessitating my return to Ogun State. This was an incredibly devastating experience. In a show of support, Austin offered to accompany me. During our time together, we shared moments of joy by singing at various church music concerts until his return to Kaduna.

This experience further fueled my passion for reggae music. Subsequently, I decided to perform a solo piece during a prayer night vigil at my church.

I was called to sing just before the event was about to conclude, and many attendees were already weary and dozing off. However, as soon as I began performing “Tobatigbagbo,” a track from my Belief album, the audience awakened, and there was a palpable energy in the room, with some accolades being shared. A few days later, the Bishop invited me to his office and expressed his desire to feature me in upcoming crusades, where I would perform songs. This opportunity was significant, as it came with considerable responsibility, given the number of people who would be eager to hear me sing. This experience served as a revelation, illustrating that my passion for music extended beyond a mere hobby.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: Who were your biggest influences or mentors when you were starting out?

Johnson Rays: My primary mentors during the early stages of my journey were individuals who significantly contributed to my development in various ways. I recall a friend named Shola, who had a passion for playing the guitar. He would often invite me to engage in vocal training sessions, as he enjoyed singing R&B. We spent considerable time performing R&B songs together, during which he also taught me guitar techniques.

Additionally, there was a Rastafarian who observed my performance at a music event held at a local church. He lived nearby and often watched me sing from his home. He approached me afterward, expressing his admiration for my talent and inviting me to his house to collaborate musically.

During our sessions, he would play rhythms while I added my own style, creating memorable moments that greatly enhanced my confidence and reinforced my belief in my musical calling. To all the talented lyricists, singers, and artists, you are all my mentors.

I have a deep love for learning, which allows me to absorb knowledge from those around me, often without them even realizing it, as I tend to be quiet and observant.

Creative Process and Inspiration

Shoplife Africa Magazine: What is your creative process like? Can you walk us through how you typically start and finish a music track?

Johnson Rays: My creative process has definitely evolved over the past year. When I first started writing music, it was all about just playing simple rhythms on my beginner piano and piecing together a chorus, verse, and hook. I’d jot everything down on a single sheet of paper and practice it a few times.

Now, it feels more like a natural gift. Ideas just flow to me—I can picture a key, a beat, and a melody in my head, and sometimes I start with the chorus or the verse. With my phone handy, I often record these spontaneous song ideas as they come to me.

I frequently dream about performing songs and make sure to record them as soon as I wake up. When I say it’s a flow, I mean I can easily freestyle and vibe with any beat or melody that resonates with me. Just the other day in the studio, an artist asked me to come up with something for a beat. After listening for a bit, I jumped on the mic, and the producer was curious about where I pulled those lyrics from. I just smiled.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: Where do you draw inspiration from? How do your surroundings or personal experiences influence your work?

Johnson Rays: My sources of inspiration are truly divine. It may be hard to believe, but I stepped away from music for over 15 years. Yet, even during those distracted times, I would envision myself performing for large audiences in my dreams. I would often dream of singing and would not give it much thought upon waking. However, these dreams continued to recur. One notable aspect of my character is that I resemble Joseph, the dreamer from the Bible; many of my dreams tend to materialize. If it is indeed God’s will, then it is undoubtedly positive. On one occasion, my brother shared a dream with me that mirrored my own recurring visions, leaving me astonished.

If you listen to one of the lyrics from my EP God Did, you will find that I nearly lost my way, but God guided me back to the right path. He utilizes challenges to reveal His plans for me.

Additionally, my inspiration is drawn from my observations, experiences, and encounters, as my message revolves around hope. Someone once remarked that I would make a good psychologist, as I tend to listen attentively, remain quiet, and observe more than I speak.

Work and Style

Shoplife Africa Magazine: Your style is very distinctive—how did you develop it? Were there phases where it changed and why Reggae ?

Johnson Rays: The question arises: why reggae? This genre possesses a unique method of conveying messages through its musical compositions.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: Can you talk about some of your favorite works or projects? What
makes them special to you?

Johnson Rays:My preferred work and project is the release of my first album, titled “Belief.” This milestone represents a significant achievement, as it allows me to realize my long-
held aspiration of recording and publishing an album. Furthermore, it has opened numerous opportunities for me. The album “Belief” explores the theme of faith in
God’s power to change any situation for the better. Notably, two tracks from “Belief” are songs I composed many years ago, and I am delighted that they have
now come to fruition.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: How do you decide on the themes or subjects of your Music, especially your latest “God Did”? Is there a message you’re consistently trying to

Johnson Rays: The theme or subject of an album or track encapsulates the overarching message conveyed by a song or collection of songs. In the EP “God Did,” the tracks such as “Happy Day,” “Testimony,” “Hallelujah,” “Congratulations,” and “El Shaddai”
exemplify the grace of God bestowed upon humanity. This collection serves as a source of hope for listeners, reminding them that all things are achievable and that
no challenge is everlasting.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: What has been the most challenging project you’ve worked on so far, and how did you overcome those challenges?

Johnson Rays: The most demanding project I have undertaken is titled “Belief.” Creating a nine-
track album is no simple endeavor, as it necessitates dedication, financial resources, and a producer who comprehends your vision for the project. This album marked my return to music and the realization of my artistic vision after a significant hiatus. I had to travel considerable distances to reach the studio, which often left me fatigued by the time I returned home, especially when I needed to prepare for another studio session the following day. Nevertheless, the sacrifices made were ultimately worthwhile. In the end, all glory is due to God.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: How do you handle criticism, both from the public and from within the music world?

Johnson Rays: Criticism is often essential for personal development. No individual is infallible; we all have imperfections and are likely to make minor errors at some stage. As I
mentioned, I consider myself a good listener and strive to absorb feedback, even when it does not align with my views. There is invariably something to be learned,
even from seemingly irrelevant comments. I embrace the opportunity for growth and remain receptive to any criticism that may emerge, whether now or in the
future. It is crucial to remember that one should not allow the opinions or judgments of others to dictate their identity. Remain true to yourself, regardless of
external perceptions, as people will always express their thoughts.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: What has been your proudest achievement in your career so far?

Johnson Rays: My most significant achievement in my career to date is discovering that I am engaged in work that I am truly passionate about. Everything appears to be falling into place, marking a remarkable journey that has included the release of an album, a single track, and now an EP. I remain hopeful for boundless opportunities ahead, guided by my faith in God.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: What are your thoughts on the current state of the music world? How do you see it evolving?

Johnson Rays: The music industry has undergone a significant transformation, showcasing an abundance of talent and a remarkable fusion of styles. The level of creativity is astounding, and it is essential to stay abreast of ongoing innovations, continuously exploring and researching. Currently, Nigerian music has gained a prominent position on the global stage, which is truly impressive.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: Do you think digital platforms and social media have changed the way artists connect with their audiences and sell their work?

Johnson Rays: A significant advancement, the digital platform has effectively closed the gap and
created vast opportunities for artists, particularly for those with limited connections. Now, all activities such as marketing, publishing, pitching, and sales
can be conducted from the comfort of one’s home. This development is remarkably substantial.

Future Plans

Shoplife Africa Magazine: What are you currently working on? Any upcoming projects or events you’re excited about?

Johnson Rays: I currently have my new EP, “God Did,” up and running. My next steps include
pursuing several collaborations, features, networking opportunities, a few tours, and some short studies. Additionally, I have a passion for photography and would like to explore that as well, while continuing to place my trust in God for ongoing success.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: Where do you see your music going in the next few years? Do you have any long-term goals or dreams?

Johnson Rays: If it is within your vision, it is attainable. I envision a future that is both brighter
and more defined. All I perceive is the light. My prayer is for the continuous grace of God to help me navigate the blessings that come my way. I observe the
appropriate opportunities presenting themselves effortlessly.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: What advice would you give to aspiring artists who are trying to find their voice and break into the industry?

Johnson Rays: To the aspiring artist seeking to discover their unique voice, do not lose hope.
Remain committed to your passion, have faith in your abilities, and avoid distractions. The journey to success is often challenging, but remember that
perseverance will ultimately lead to triumph. You possess remarkable potential, and I have confidence in your ability to soar. Continue to strive forward; your
achievements will be celebrated in due time.

Shoplife Africa Magazine: How do you maintain a balance between your genuine artistic expression and commercial success?

Johnson Rays: Maintaining a sense of calm is my primary approach; I focus on one task at a time to prevent overwhelming my mind. I prefer to work at my own pace, and importantly, I recognize that flexibility plays a significant role in my process.

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