The bible is not a story book, its a manual. A disregard for the book is a disregard for destiny.
As powerful as the Bible is, it answers to the obedience of Faith. The word is helpless without our obedience of faith John 6:6 — Faith is only validated by obedience and nothing dead can add value to life.
It’s not revelation that work but applied revelation. What we know from the Bible does not change us, its what you do with what you know. Light is Sweet as you walk in it. Your torch light do you no good in your bag — James 1:22/25 — some great happening in our lives may not need prayers, we will just obey ourselves into them Isaiah 65:24
You don’t need to know anybody to scale the utmost height in life, just know God Daniel 11:32
You can’t walk in the truth of the scripture and not triumphs Psalms 34:8 (I have entered into my blessed era of life) Exodus 14:15 — The sea saw God whose word they obeyed. Obedience of Faith will always commit God’s integrity to do the impossible Exodus 16:35
Obey God, forget about the devil. He will set you above all the nations of the earth. Obey God and ignore the devil Isaiah 14:24 – obedience of Faith will get the devil out of the equation of our lives. There is no devil where obedience of Faith thrives. No power of darkness can stand the authority of light John 1:5
Matthew 8:16 — His word is the light of life. All the demons will leave at the shot of the arrow of the scripture Jude 1:6 — The authority of the believer comes from the dictate of the scriptures
When i am on the go, He goes with me Luke 10:19
The people at the wedding had their shame rolled away by simply obeying Jesus John 2:3 — every true word dummy enjoy dominion without stress John 9:7 — until you do what He says, you can’t commit Him to act.
We turn the power of God loosed by obedience Matthew 10:1
Every genuine lover of God walks naturally in obedience John 14:21 1 John 5:3-4 – we become overcomer by keeping His commandment in validation of our love for Him.
Examples of lovers of God
- Abraham has no issie obeying God because obedience is stress free when love is in place Isaiah 41:8 James 2:23
- David Psalms 119:97-100. If you are in love, obedience becomes easy
- Daniel — He is an unashamed lover of God Daniel 6:20/1:8/4. You become indestructible as a lover of God Daniel 3:16 1 John 4:16
- Paul the Apostle Romans 8:37 Song of Solomon 8:7-8 Philippians 2:8 — love facilitate obedience to the extreme thereby resulting in lifting beyond imagination John 10:17-18 — any believer can win the heart of God.
Commitment to soul winning and turning many to righteousness is the capital proof of our love for God John 21:15-17 Genesis 18:23-26
Panting after the souls of men is the proof of our love for God Psalms 119:46 1 Corinthians 9:16-17/2:9
Every true lover end up a trailblazer, pathfinder and a pacesetter. No devil can stop them Acts 14:19-20
Our lack of obedience is the proof of our lack of love or low level of love for God Acts 19:15. As a lover of God, you are wearing God – He dwells in you and you in Him. Nothing can touch your lover without your response. Whatever your lover demands, its your duty to respond.
John 6:57 — everything that Jesus carried is in the communion table. The grace for obedience is also there John 8:29