The Nigerian Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Communication, Innovation and Digital Economy seeks to empower Nigerian Youths in the areas of digital skills to get enough talent pools of digital skilled workers for both local and international demands. FMCIDE through one of its agency “NiTDA” came up with the 3 Million Technical Talent Program. The scheme nicknamed “3MTT Program” is a program established to empower minimum 2 million youths in digital and technical skills on or before 2025
Read below what the program is about according to the contents on the program website
The 3 Million Technical Talent (3MTT) programme, a critical part of the Renewed Hope agenda, is aimed at building Nigeria’s technical talent backbone to power our digital economy and position Nigeria as a net talent exporter. The first phase of the programme, executed in collaboration with NITDA, will involve multiple stakeholders including fellows, training providers, partners and placement organisations.
The first phase of the programme will be executed as a fellowship model in collaboration with NITDA. We will select individuals with interest in specific skills and fund the cost of their training with training providers accepted into the programme.
Build the workforce of the future
We are calling on individuals and training providers across Nigeria to apply to the first phase of the 3MTT programme.
For Fellows
You will receive training in specific technical skills that will empower you to be competitive in the local and global technical talent marketplace
For Training Providers
Organisations looking to join our pool of training providers to train 30,000 fellows across Nigeria as we design an optimal approach to training and placing technical talents
The 12 Areas of Technical Talent Development for the Phase one of 3MTT
- Software Development
- UI/UX Design
- Data Analysis & Visualisation
- Quality Assurance
- Product Management
- Data Science
- Animation
- AI / Machine Learning
- Cybersecurity
- Game Development
- Cloud Computing
- Dev Ops
To get most out of this program, you must choose the program you are passionate and to a great extent knowledgeable about. Do not expect the trainers will teach you all things. Research and start learning about your area of specialization.
What are your thoughts on this program, do you think it will be worth it? Leave your comments below