In the spiritual realm, there are various forces at play, some of which seek to control and manipulate individuals. One such force is the unclean spirit, which is prominently discussed in the book “Conquering Controlling Powers” by Bishop David Oyedepo. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the unclean spirit, as described in the book, and explore the insights shared by Bishop Oyedepo regarding conquering and overcoming its influence.
Defining the Unclean Spirit
According to biblical teachings, the unclean spirit refers to a malevolent force or entity that operates in the spiritual realm and seeks to influence and control human beings. They are the wicked forces from the unseen realm seeking to oppress and bound men. It is often associated with impurity, wickedness, and defilement. In “Conquering Controlling Powers,” Bishop David Oyedepo sheds light on the nature and characteristics of the unclean spirit, helping readers understand its workings and impact.
Manifestations of the Unclean Spirit
Bishop Oyedepo outlines several manifestations of the unclean spirit that individuals may experience. These include but are not limited to:
a. spirit of the World : The unclean spirit influences individuals’ thinking, leading them to entertain impure thoughts and engage in immoral behavior. This spirit is the force behind the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life. It’s the malevolent force behind materialism, perversion of thoughts and desires
b. spirit of whoredom: Those under the influence of the unclean spirit of whoredom often experience torment, fear, and a sense of hopelessness. It can manifest as depression, anxiety, or other psychological and emotional struggles. This spirit manifest in form of adultery, fornication and making motion in the flesh.
c. spirit of bondage: The unclean spirit can enslave individuals to various addictions and compulsive behaviors, such as substance abuse, pornography, gambling, or excessive indulgence in material possessions. Bishop Oyedepo gave an example of someone who slept in the gutter because he drank humself to stupor. However, he went to the bar again the next day to still go on his drinking spree. That is a man under bondage. I personally used to know a neigbour who is working as a revenue officer in one of the top States in Nigeria, he’s getting paid very well but you cannot see the beauty of that job on him because of the bondage of alcoholism.
d. lying spirit: The unclean spirit operates through deception, distorting truth and leading people astray from the path of righteousness. Lying is one of the unclean spirit that people always overlook, yet it’s the most deadly of all. When you are operating under this spirit, you will use lie to cover life. In the book, Dr. Oyedepo said ” Those who won’t go to Heaven already know themselves, as it’s written that all liars will not go there“
e. spirit of disobedience : This spirit makes men do what displease God so they can come under the wrath of God.
Overcoming the Unclean spirits
Bishop David Oyedepo’s book provides practical insights into conquering and overcoming the influence of the unclean spirit. Here are some key strategies highlighted:
a. Acknowledging the authority of Christ: Understanding and accepting the authority of Jesus Christ is crucial in combating the unclean spirit. Bishop Oyedepo emphasizes the importance of developing a personal relationship with Jesus and recognizing His power to deliver and set free.
b. Cultivating a life of holiness: The unclean spirit thrives in an atmosphere of impurity and ungodliness. By cultivating a lifestyle of holiness, individuals can create an environment where the unclean spirit finds it challenging to operate.
c. Filling the mind with God’s Word: Bishop Oyedepo emphasizes the significance of immersing oneself in the Word of God. Regular study and meditation on Scripture help to renew the mind, enabling individuals to discern and reject the influence of the unclean spirit.
d. Engaging in fervent prayer and fasting: Prayer and fasting play a vital role in overcoming the unclean spirit. By seeking God’s intervention through focused and persistent prayer, individuals can experience deliverance and restoration.
e. Active participation in spiritual warfare: Bishop Oyedepo encourages believers to engage in spiritual warfare through the power of prayer, intercession, and the use of spiritual weapons such as the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, and the Word of God.
Walking in Victory
In “Conquering Controlling Powers,” Bishop Oyedepo emphasizes the potential for believers to walk in victory over the unclean spirit. By implementing the strategies outlined in the book and relying on God’s power, individuals can experience freedom, transformation, and a life devoid
of the unclean spirit’s influence. Walking in victory requires consistency, faith, and an unwavering commitment to live according to God’s principles.
Bishop Oyedepo emphasizes the need for individuals to maintain a close relationship with God and to continually rely on His strength. Through consistent prayer, fellowship with other believers, and regular study of the Scriptures, individuals can grow in their spiritual journey and become equipped to conquer the controlling powers, including the unclean spirit.
It is important to note that overcoming the unclean spirit is not a one-time event but a continuous process. As believers, we must remain vigilant, guarding our hearts and minds against any form of impurity or compromise. By staying rooted in God’s Word and cultivating a lifestyle of worship and obedience, we can experience a sustained victory over the unclean spirit’s influence.
This book “Conquering Controlling Powers,” Bishop David Oyedepo provides valuable insights into understanding and conquering the unclean spirit. By defining its nature and manifestations, he helps readers recognize the strategies employed by this malevolent force. Moreover, Bishop Oyedepo offers practical steps to overcome the unclean spirit through acknowledging the authority of Christ, cultivating holiness, immersing oneself in God’s Word, engaging in prayer and fasting, and actively participating in spiritual warfare.
Ultimately, the journey to victory over the unclean spirit requires a deep, personal relationship with God, unwavering faith, and consistent commitment to walking in righteousness. By following the principles outlined in “Conquering Controlling Powers” and relying on the power of God, individuals can experience deliverance, transformation, and a life free from the influence of the unclean spirit.