Serving God is a Big Time Business

This post is part of “The Gospel of life” series. This is about Serving God. How do you serve God and obtained blessed result?

Have a business Approach

You must have a business approach to serving God. In all business, there is gains. For example, a teacher of Private school and a Teacher for a public school is different. A private is a business owned by an Entrepreneur, if as a Teacher you are doing anyhow, he will sack you. But the approach of some public school teachers towards their job is something else. The benefits of serving God for me numerous. I am serving for a Profit of Blessedness.

You must know that God does not rewards efforts made but result obtained John 15:16. Our character in soul winning must be about the Souls you want to obtain. You must be individualistic in your approach. God bless for result obtained. Exodus 23 Verse 24 and 25 shows us that as we serve God and obtained result, He will bless us and drive sickness away from us.

Serving God is your ticket to getting the goodies of Life.

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